Do-more Series (BRX, H2, T1H)
(Micro Modular & Stackable)

Programmable controllers come in many form factors and levels of hardware options and software capabilities. Do-more series controllers are compact, stackable or rack-based PLCs with full-featured, powerful programming software. Robust motion control, communications ports and a project simulator are valuable features of the Do-more Series.

BRX Series PLCs (Stackable Micro Brick)

Do-more H2
(Micro Modular PLC)

Do-more T1H
(Stackable PLC)
BRX Series PLCs (Stackable Micro Brick)

Do-more! PLCs - BRX Series
The BRX platform is a versatile stackable Micro PLC system that combines powerful features in a compact, stand-alone footprint.
Four Micro PLC Unit (MPU) form factor combinations are available (3 with built-in I/O) to provide strong system designs that fit application requirements exactly, keeping system costs to a minimum.
The BRX platform is designed to be used as a stand-alone controller or can be expanded using a wide variety of expansion modules.
The expansion modules easily snap onto the side of any BRX Micro PLC Unit (MPU) creating a sturdy and rugged PLC platform.
BRX PLC MPUs, POMs, Expansion Modules, Kits & Software
No I/O Micro PLC Units
The BRX platform is a versatile stackable Micro PLC system that combines powerful features in a compact, stand-alone footprint.
(BX-DM1E-M and BX-DM1E-M-D)
The BRX M Series is designed to be used as a stand-alone controller without I/O or can be expanded using a wide variety of expansion modules.
The expansion modules easily snap onto the side of any BRX Micro PLC Unit (MPU) creating a sturdy and rugged PLC platform.

18 Point Micro PLC Units
BRX 18E Micro PLC Unit (MPU)
(Built-in Analog and Ethernet Port)
- 1 analog in and 1 analog out (current/voltage selectable)
- Built-in Ethernet port, 10/100 Mbps
- Support for 8 additional Expansion Modules -
BRX 18 Micro PLC Unit (MPU)
(No Built-in Analog or Ethernet Port)
- Support for 4 additional Expansion Modules

Pluggable Option Modules (POM)
BX-P-SER2-TERM: RS-232 port w/terminal connection (3-pin)
BX-P-SER2-TERMFC: RS-232 port w/flow control (5-pin) ... New!
BX-P-SER4-TERM: RS-485 port (3-pin)
BX-P-SER422-TERM: RS-422 port
(5-pin) ... New! -
BX-P-SER2-RJ12: RS-232 port w/RJ12 connection
BX-P-ECOMLT: Ethernet Communi-cation (RJ45) port, 10/100Base-T,
Do-more protocol (1 Mbps max.) -
BX-P-ECOMEX: Ethernet Communication (RJ45) port, 10/100BaseT, MQTT, FTP, Do-more protocol, Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP and Ethernet Remote I/O support (for use with Ethernet CPU's only) ... New!
BX-P-USB-B: USB Type B port

Analog I/O Expansion Modules
(33) Analog I/O expansion modules
(7) input: 4, 8, 16-ch; current, voltage
(2) input: 4,8,16-ch;
universal current/voltage ... New!
(4) output: 4 & 8-ch; current, voltage
(2) output: 4,8-ch;
universal current/voltage ... New!
(6) combo analog I/O modules
(6) temperature / millivolt input modules,
universal temperature modules ... New!
(3) temperature combo I/O modules
(3) combo I/O universal temperature
in / discrete out modules ... New!

10 Point Micro PLC Units
BRX 10E Micro PLC Unit (MPU)
(Built-in Analog and Ethernet Port)
- 1 analog in and 1 analog out (current/voltage selectable)
- Built-in Ethernet port, 10/100 Mbps
- Support for 2 additional Expansion Modules -
BRX 10 Micro PLC Unit (MPU)
(No Built-in Analog or Ethernet Port)
- Support for 2 additional Expansion Modules

36 Point Micro PLC Units
BRX 36E Micro PLC Unit (MPU)
(Built-in Analog and Ethernet Port)
- 4 analog in and 2 analog out (current/voltage selectable)
- Built-in Ethernet port, 10/100 Mbps
- Support for 8 additional Expansion Modules -
BX 36 Micro PLC Unit (MPU)
(No Built-in Analog or Ethernet Port)
- Support for 4 additional Expansion Modules

DC I/O Expansion Modules
(21) DC I/O expansion modules
(4) input modules: 8, 12, 16, 32-pt; 12-24 VDC
(1) input module: 8-pt; 3-5 VDC
(1) input module: 16-pt; 2-5 VDC ... New!
(8) output modules: 8, 12, 16, 32-pt; 12-24 VDC
(1) output module: 16-pt; 2-5 VDC ... New!
(6) combo modules: 4-DC in/4-relay out,
8-DC in/4-DC out, 8-DC in/8-DC out
(6) terminal block kits

Relay Output Expansion Modules
(8) Relay output expansion modules
(4) output modules: 5, 8, 12, 16-pt;
5-48 VDC/24-240 VAC
(2) output modules: 8, 16-pt; 12-48
VDC/24-240 VAC ... New!
(1) output module: 5-pt: 12-48 VDC/24-240
VAC/100-125 VDC ... New!
(1) combo module: 4-DC in/4-relay out
(6) terminal block kits

Do-more H2 (Micro Modular PLC)
Programmable controllers have to reliably execute the many logic operations
and communication requests that modern day industries require.
The Do-more H2 series controller provides the communication,
user-friendly programming, expansion capabilities,
and high-performance processing needed for
today's industrial automation projects.
Do-more Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
The Do-more Series PLC is the next generation programmable controller built on a strong PLC foundation that makes control applications easier to implement. Do-more uses proven DirectLOGIC DL205 hardware for a flexible control platform and introduces a powerful, intuitive set of new programming tools. This combination of Do-more H2 Series CPUs and the existing line of AutomationDirect 205 series I/O modules and base units creates an incredibly powerful micro modular PLC at a fraction of the cost of comparable PLCs and PACs.
Do-more PLC CPUs, Bases, Modules and Programming Software
Analog I/O Modules
17 Different analog and temperature modules connect to almost any device including RTDs and thermocouples.
Analog Input, 4-8 channel,
4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V -
Analog Output, 2-channel,
4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V, -5 to +5V, -10 to +10V -
Analog Output, 8-channel
4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V -
Combination I/O, 4-in/2-out and 8-in/4-out
RTD input, 4-channel
Thermocouple/Millivolt inputs,

Do-more T1H (Stackable PLC)
Programmable logic controllers have to reliably execute
the many logic operations and communication requests
that modern day industries require. The Do-more T1H
series stackable controller provides the communication,
full-featured programming, expansion capabilities,
and high-performance processing needed
for today's industrial automation projects.
Do-more T1H Series Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
The T1H Series PLC modules take the modular and space-saving package of our Terminator I/O line and convert it into a stand-alone control system. Using Do-more Designer as a foundation, the T1H Series PLC system provides a powerful, flexible instruction set, inside a user friendly programming environment.
Terminator I/O is the most practical distributed field I/O system you can buy. It combines the I/O points with their field terminations into a modular package to save panel space and money. With Terminator I/O, you can distribute I/O nodes close to field devices for faster and more efficient wiring and troubleshooting.